  • What Wrongs Have White Administrators Done to Aboriginal People in the Past?


    Essays2 Law

Published: 08.07.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'What Wrongs Have White Administrators Done to Aboriginal People in the Past?', 1.
  • Essays 'What Wrongs Have White Administrators Done to Aboriginal People in the Past?', 2.

I had lot of help from teachers and they were heppy with their work
Presentation Assignment.
What wrongs have white administrators done to Aborginal people in the past? Have all wrong been righted?
Even though Hardy wrote his book in 1968, he gives a good definition of how the Aborigines were treated in that time. A very bias 'opinion' based difinition of the treatment of Aborigines:
'To this day the Aborigine is treated as less than a man, his situation isapalling. His destiny and very identity is decided by his white superiors. …

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