  • How Effective, in Practice, Are the Safeguards in Place for Guaranteeing the Rights of Those Facing the Death Penalty in the USA?


    Essays5 Law

Published: 26.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'How Effective, in Practice, Are the Safeguards in Place for Guaranteeing the Rig', 1.
  • Essays 'How Effective, in Practice, Are the Safeguards in Place for Guaranteeing the Rig', 2.
  • Essays 'How Effective, in Practice, Are the Safeguards in Place for Guaranteeing the Rig', 3.
  • Essays 'How Effective, in Practice, Are the Safeguards in Place for Guaranteeing the Rig', 4.
  • Essays 'How Effective, in Practice, Are the Safeguards in Place for Guaranteeing the Rig', 5.

The death penalty has been seen as a human rights issue as some regard it as 'cruel and degrading' treatment of individuals. This essay will concentrate on three out of the nine safeguards that are in place to protect those facing the death sentence. It will be argued that, in relation to the U.S.A, these safeguards are ineffective in practice. In some instances, U.S domestic law rather than the safeguards offer more protection, and in other instances, the Supreme Court plays a crucial role.
Human rights are viewed by many as rights that are held by everyone simply by virtue of being a…

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