Published: 24.09.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'The Life of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors', 1.
  • Essays 'The Life of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors', 2.

Joseph's life was truly an inspiration to all of mankind. He showed mercy when any other man would have had vengeance. Through Joseph's life, he taught many people various lessons on how to treat others and to give God all the glory for which they receive.
Joseph was one of the twelve sons of the father Jacob. Benjamin and Joseph were Jacob's favorite sons because they were born from Jacob's favorite wife Rachel. Jacob was extremely in favor of Joseph because of his belief in God. One day Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful, brightly colored coat. When the older brothers saw this, knowing that he was Jacob's favorite son, their anger was greater than ever toward Joseph. Joseph frequently had dreams about his future that hadn't come to pass. When he was seventeen years old he dreamt that the sun, moon, and the seven stars (his brothers) bowed down to him. He told his brothers what he had dreamed and their anger grew even worse.

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