  • "No Problem Can Be Solved From the Same Consciousness that Created it." - A.Einstein


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 03.02.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"No Problem Can Be Solved From the Same Consciousness that Created it." - A.Eins', 1.
  • Essays '"No Problem Can Be Solved From the Same Consciousness that Created it." - A.Eins', 2.
  • Essays '"No Problem Can Be Solved From the Same Consciousness that Created it." - A.Eins', 3.

Each culture has different mentality and cultural development roots that tend to define a man’s unconscious behavior. Every social system comes with a defined social existence format. Throughout the time these rules within a format have changed, extinct, new ones have appeared. Importance in distinguishing these two- cultural and social formats is in a fact that the first one is based on the relations – the nature versus a man, while the second one -a man versus a man.

According to Webster's dictionary, the word dignity means the quality of being worthy of esteem or honor; worthiness; i.e. the quality of being highly valued. …

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