  • A Report on how Old People Are Discriminated Against in the Workplace


    Essays2 Management

Published: 16.04.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'A Report on how Old People Are Discriminated Against in the Workplace', 1.
  • Essays 'A Report on how Old People Are Discriminated Against in the Workplace', 2.

Lets take a look at the landscape for older workers as it unfolds today. Baby boomers will begin to reach age 65 by 2010. Although prevailing attitudes in our society remain slanted against older workers, already there are profound changes taking place.
Consider these factors:
·There are over 16 million Americans over 55 who are either working or seeking work.
·Older workers are getting new jobs at an annual rate of 4.1 percent. This is more than double the .8 percent rate in the general population.
·Older Americans make up 10 percent of the workforce, but account for 22 percent of the nation's job growth.
·Extensive research has found no relationship between age and job performance. Americans age 55 and above take fewer sick days, adapt to new technologies successfully, and are more loyal to their employer than thirtysomethings.

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