  • Should America Launch an Attack on Iraq


    Essays2 Law

Published: 15.10.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Should America Launch an Attack on Iraq', 1.
  • Essays 'Should America Launch an Attack on Iraq', 2.

To unjustly interfere with another nation in a pre-emptive strike is tantamount to manufacturing terrorists. To remove Hussein is to invite an age of terror, and dismiss domestic tranquility.
"True peace is not merrily the absence tension, it is the presence of justice". (Martin Luther King Jr.) Led by a president lacking the foresight to look upon one terrorist action and then past it towards a method of avoiding several, Americans sit currently on the brink of an event capable of forever altering the world. Currently removing Saddam Hussein without the benefit of support, just cause, ensured safety of American life, or method of controlling middle-eastern vengeance would be to invite destruction into the American nation. Options are what America needs at this point. After all, the more people who are allowed to speak, the greater the chance truth will be spoken.

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