  • Outline the Different Roles and Assess the Relative Importance of the UK and US Cabinets


    Essays2 Law

Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Outline the Different Roles and Assess the Relative Importance of the UK and US ', 1.
  • Essays 'Outline the Different Roles and Assess the Relative Importance of the UK and US ', 2.

The underlying difference between the cabinet in the UK and its counterpart in the US is the function, which they are designed to undertake. In the US the Cabinet is seem by Presidents as more of a formality than a help and the cabinet its self is designed to advise rather than influence or make decisions as the UK cabinet does. In the UK the cabinet is made up of the Prime Ministers closest advisors and ministers whose job is to help the PM decide on new legislation and initiatives. The UK government system is currently thought of a Cabinet government. The Cabinet meets to discuss and debate topics and issues that are relevant to the public. Legislation is then decided on and it is back and passed through the House of Commons. However in recent years it would be fair to say that Tony Blair is moving away from the Cabinet government and more towards a prime ministerial/presidential government more in line with the United States. There are also several other major differences between the two different cabinets.
One of the central features of the UK cabinet is its system of Collective Responsibilities. …

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