Published: 01.05.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Somebody’s Watching You! Can the Internet Really Be Private?', 1.

All around us today information is gathered about how we shop, what we buy, our likes, and our dislikes. Every time we pay for groceries with a check cashing card, fill out a survey, or subscribe to a magazine, we are giving personal information to the marketers. They use this information to try and sell us more products and services. What's worse is that these companies are trading what they know about us.
Thanks to the Internet, chances are we haven't seen anything yet. More and more businesses are finding their way onto the Internet, we're on the brink of the biggest invasion of privacy yet. It will be easier for marketers to know more than ever about who we are and what we do.
Every time we register on a web site, like C/NET or GNN, those who want us to register are gathering information on our computing habits. …

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