  • Through the Case Study of Kiwi Insurance to Clarify the Importance of Relationship Marketing for an Organisation


    Essays3 Marketing, Advertising

Published: 09.05.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Through the Case Study of Kiwi Insurance to Clarify the Importance of Relationsh', 1.
  • Essays 'Through the Case Study of Kiwi Insurance to Clarify the Importance of Relationsh', 2.
  • Essays 'Through the Case Study of Kiwi Insurance to Clarify the Importance of Relationsh', 3.

"Customer loyalty and (positive) customer word-of-mouth communication could be seen as the key outcomes of relationship marketing." (Kotler., Brown., Adam., & Armstrong. 2001 p324) Several studies provide evidence for the significant influence of satisfaction on loyalty and word-of-mouth communication. Positive word-of-mouth communication helps for attract new customers as relational partners to a company's offerings. Therefore, it is important for the companies to considerately serve the customers thus to keep long-term relationship with the retained customers. All in all, the better a company understanding of retain the long-term relationship with the customers, the better they can do relationship marketing.

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