  • "Marooned Essay." Goes with book "Lord of the Flies". Its bout 4 people on an island. Tells who the leader is and why, 3 rules and why, and 3 problems and how they were solved.


    Essays1 Literature

Published: 08.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"Marooned Essay." Goes with book "Lord of the Flies". Its bout 4 people on an is', 1.

Marooned Essay
It was a dark and stormy night. The winds were high and the sea was raging. Our plane lost control over the Virgin Islands and we crashed into an uncharted tropical island. Betsy Miller, Jessica Pennington, Angie Pitcher and I, Angie Wilson, stayed in the wreckage of the plane that night and listened to the storm howl. We were frightened, and we didn't know how long it might take to be rescued. We also didn't know if there were animals, food, or safe drinking water.
A few days after the crash we decided that Betsy was to be our leader. We did this for a few reasons.…

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