  • Young People Drinking Problem - Personal or Social Problem?


    Essays1 Sociology

Published: 12.04.2007.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Young People Drinking Problem - Personal or Social Problem?', 1.

Heh – once again I meet a topic, that is so strong. Personal – or social – it is hard to choose. First thought is – social, but then again – personal. To understand – which side is the quilty one, I probably should go to the root of all this drinking problem. The right question, in my opinion, should be – „Why do young people drink?” – from here this topic is starting to make some sense. All whats written further is stricly my opinion - and it may be incorrect – just in case keep that in mind... Most of the young people tend to be older than they are – this could be one of the main „whys”. Most of them just reached 14 or 15... Some of the starters in now days are even younger – like 12 years old ones... It looks like the starting age is dropping not in decenarrys, but in years, it a pity. The younger the drinkers, the stronger the addiction gets in a few years. The organism it self of a young body is not ready for such kind of a amusement... Most of them want to explore new things – alcohol – for a new thing – what could be better! It is fun and it is not very expensive... The second main thing whay is - friends.…

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