  • Analysis of "Raise the Red Lantern"


    Essays2 Art

Published: 24.11.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Analysis of "Raise the Red Lantern"', 1.
  • Essays 'Analysis of "Raise the Red Lantern"', 2.

Yi-Mou Zhang's Raise the Red Lantern, is a beautiful and brilliantly made film in its own right. If, however, the team of Orson Welles and Greg Toland had produced the same film it would take on an entirely different look and feel. The film would reflect Wells love for creating physical representations of thematic metaphors and the long take and Toland's brilliant use of deep space photography and mobile framing.
Under the direction of the Wells-Toland team, the film would take on subtle, yet significant differences from the very beginning. In the opening scene, with Songolian and her…

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