  • Company Cashflow Summary Analysis of Target and Walmart


    Essays2 Economics

Published: 14.11.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Company Cashflow Summary Analysis of Target and Walmart', 1.
  • Essays 'Company Cashflow Summary Analysis of Target and Walmart', 2.

Target Corporation is performing spectacularly well. Recent reports have indicated spectacular figures and satisfying gross profits. It reported sales of $39.9 billion for the most recent fiscal year, mainly from its 1,100 Target stores, pushing it ahead of Kmart to make Target the nation's second biggest discounter ("Target"). Analysts are impressed with its earnings, which went up 36 percent, and up to $345 million, in the most recent quarter as revenue increased 15 percent, to $9.59 billion. Target's share price rose 27 percent last year, although it is off around 6 percent this year. By comparison, Wal-Mart's sales in the first quarter rose 14.4 percent, to $55 billion. Its net income in that period jumped 19.7 percent, to $1.7 billion ("Walmart's Financial Center").
Target has earned itself an image with arty distinctive and crafty ads. …

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