  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Passports and Visas)


    Essays2 Law

Published: 22.01.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Passports and Visas)', 1.
  • Essays 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Passports and Visas)', 2.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(Passports and Visas)
In 1948, the United Nations created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration granted people the right to leave their own country or any other country, and to return. To travel across country boundaries, many countries require citizens to have a passport along with permission from the government. A passport is an official government document that certifies a person's identity and their citizenship. It also permits a citizen to travel abroad or through a foreign country; or it can serve as an official permit w…

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