  • The title of this essay is "Usage of the Narrator in a Passage Analysis". It is based on the novel "Pere Goriot" by Balzac.


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 09.05.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'The title of this essay is "Usage of the Narrator in a Passage Analysis". It is ', 1.
  • Essays 'The title of this essay is "Usage of the Narrator in a Passage Analysis". It is ', 2.

Usage of the Narrator in a Passage Analysis
Throughout Pere Goriot, Balzac's narrator oscillates between the roles of social historian and moralist. Although the presence of both observer and commentator may initially seem mutually exclusive, it also is a large part of what makes this novel interesting and entertaining. Balzac's readers do not segregate perception and judgment routinely in their everyday lives. By packaging profound ideas in a way similar to natural human expectation, Balzac's narrator achieves an especially comfortable and effective rapport with readers.
One of the main…

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