Published: 15.11.2004.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Single Currency - the Euro', 1.
  • Essays 'Single Currency - the Euro', 2.
  • Essays 'Single Currency - the Euro', 3.
  • Essays 'Single Currency - the Euro', 4.

What is single currency? Single currency is the type of money used in several countries. It represents all the countries involved in creating it. Today the name of single currency is Euro, which will replace national currencies in next year. But Euro is not the first time people wanted and created Euro. Whenever there was possibility for international trade to expand there was need for creating single currency. In the future, in some ten years to be exact, Euro should be merged with dollar to create the single currency for the whole world, Eurodollar.
I will be talking about the history of single currencies, like when, where, why etc. Then I will continue talking about Euro, why it was created, where and when. Then I will say few words about the current situation in the UN and finally I will say something about Euro in UK because UK is the special case in UN.

A History of Single Currencies

As I already said, whenever economic and political stability have enabled international trade to expand, attempts have been made to introduce a universal currency that meets the demand of trade . This means that when the political and economic situation in several countries was good and allowed expanding of the trade they tried to establish single currency in order to make trade easier. …

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