  • Report about book "My life and other unfinished businesses" written by Dolly Parton


    Essays1 Literature

Published: 14.10.2007.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Report about book "My life and other unfinished businesses" written by Dolly Par', 1.

Book I’ll tell you about is writen by songwriter and singer Dolly Rebbeca Parton. It’s biography, which artist wrote herself, was published in 1994. As she said there are many books written about her and stories told, but she wanted to tell her side of the story.
. As I see it - Her life is a Cinderella story that would put any fairy-godmother to shame. Parton’s interesting existence started with a delivery paid with sack of cornmeal because her farming parents had no money.…

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