  • Strategy without Action Is Only a Daydream, but Action without Strategy Is a Nightmare


    Essays3 Management

Published: 21.11.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Strategy without Action Is Only a Daydream, but Action without Strategy Is a Nig', 1.
  • Essays 'Strategy without Action Is Only a Daydream, but Action without Strategy Is a Nig', 2.
  • Essays 'Strategy without Action Is Only a Daydream, but Action without Strategy Is a Nig', 3.

This essay will discuss the benefits of corporate strategic planning. Firstly, we will look at what strategy is, and why strategic planning is important to an organisation. Secondly, what types of strategic models are used for planning, and finally given that organisations are increasingly complex and market dynamics are constantly changing is there a need for strategic corporate planning in the 21st century.
It is hard to get a proper definition of what strategy means today. Brian Huffman in his article "what makes strategy brilliant?" says many books offer theories of strategy and "that a popular book on strategic management does not define the word strategy until page 127". Huffman continues that the reason; generally definitions are overly complex. Simply, he says, at its highest level "it is a general statement of how a firm intends to win"
Here is an example of strategy in the make: "In 1999, his holiness, Pope John Paul II, launched a CD Abba Pater on which he raps, in a collaborative effort with techno and ambient musicians, the Pope goes pop" Funky Business (p 40).

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