  • "The Yellow Wallpaper", a Journey into Insanity, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 01.01.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"The Yellow Wallpaper", a Journey into Insanity, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman', 1.
  • Essays '"The Yellow Wallpaper", a Journey into Insanity, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman', 2.

It also seems to me that, probably because of his
oppressive behaviour, she wants to drive her husband away.
'John is away all day, and even some nights when his cases are serious. I am glad my case is not serious!' (Gilman 195). As her breakdown approaches she actually locks him out of her room: 'I have locked the door and thrown the key down into the front path. I don't want to go out, and I don't want to have anybody come in, till John comes. I want to astonish him.' (Gilman 203). I see no reason for this other than to force him to see that he was wrong, and, since she knew he couldn't tolerate hysteria, to drive him away.

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