  • "Oedipus Wrecks", a Successful Appropriation of the Greek Tragedy?


    Essays1 Art

Published: 30.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"Oedipus Wrecks", a Successful Appropriation of the Greek Tragedy?', 1.

"Oedipus Wrecks" is a successful appropriation of the Greek tragedy in that it uses the same themes as the play in a modern context.
The film is an appropriation rather than an adaptation because elements of the original play's plot and characters have been used in a different setting to create new meaning and explore the themes in a different way, in this case a parody of the original, rather than using the same story and characters and presenting it in a different frame, such as a novel instead of a play.
The title "Oedipus Wrecks" is a pun, in that it refers to both the Oedipal aspect…

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