Published: 21.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Laws Haven’t Changed Since Primeval Times', 1.

There are a lot of jokes about courts, lawyers and criminals in nowadays .But justice and courts appeared much earlier than jokes on the subject. Unfortunately our world is far from being perfect and since the very beginning of human society crimes and criminals have also existed. Even our remote ancestors had to administer justice. Of course early laws might be very unrefined and naive but they reflected the human values which are valued these days too and will be valued until the last man dies. Even in pre-historic time people in tribes had different norms and rules of behavior. For example, a member of a community was punished if he had done harm to another member of the same community, if he had stolen something or if he had failed to perform his duties. This statement is easy to illustrate. In primeval time if a man murdered another man from his tribe he had to pay а sort of compensation, for example three sheep.

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