Published: 22.12.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'The Causes and Cures for Cystic Fibrosis', 1.
  • Essays 'The Causes and Cures for Cystic Fibrosis', 2.

This essay is about the origin of the hereditary disease Cystic Fibrosis. it includes ways in which it can be treated and how a person obtains it. It was assigned after watching the movie Alex:The Life of a Child, about a girl who was born with Cystic Fibrosis, and was only expected to live a few days, but lived until she was six. The rerason this was assigned was to discover the scientific advances in the area of Cystic Fibrosis, such as research and possible cures.
The Causes and Cures for Cystic Fibrosis
According to old northern European folklore, a child that tasted salty when kissed upon the forehead was bewitched and would soon die. Today we know the reason -the genetic disease, cystic fibrosis or CF. It is a chronic, progressive disease and the most common, fatal inherited disorder in the United States. About 30,000 Americans suffer from cystic fibrosis, and 2500 babies are born in the U.S. with the disease each year. While all races and ethnic groups may suffer from the disease, it occurs most often in whites whose ancestors came from northern Europe. About 1 in every 20 Americans is an unaffected carrier of the disease because they have one abnormal "CF gene".

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