  • How People Would React to Tattoos Bbeing Done to Themselves or Others around Them Because of Their Culture


    Essays1 History, Culture

Published: 07.05.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'How People Would React to Tattoos Bbeing Done to Themselves or Others around The', 1.

There is a big difference between people who have been exposed to tattoos and people who haven't. Tattoos have been a part of people's lives for decades and even centuries. To most people living in the United States, tattoos are a normal style. But imagine some tribe in a country you have never even heard of, say the, "Tekywan" tribe learning about something they have never been introduced to. What would they think of a tattoo? Maybe it could be a special marking from God, or little creatures crawling underneath the skin to form an odd unrealistic shape. …

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