  • The Way We Are: the Divorce Rate Rising and Whether or not the "Family" Will Be Around Forever


    Essays2 Sociology

Published: 22.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'The Way We Are: the Divorce Rate Rising and Whether or not the "Family" Will Be ', 1.

It is true that the American family has changed drastically over the past century. In the past it was the man of the house who had all the power, and brought in the majority if the income. Now we see that trend fading out and the women making an equal contribution to the family. I think this is one of the contributing factors as to why we can say our families have "changed"
I agree with the author here, she states "when families succeeded, it was often for reasons quite different than stereotypes about the past suggest-because they were flexible in their living arrangements" (Coontz, 1997, p. 377). I think this is so true, money does not necessarily bring happiness to the relationship. I am sure there are just as many wealthy people who end up divorced as people who are not as fortunate. …

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