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ID number:712282
Published: 28.01.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 9 units
References: Used

After joining European Union, member states can get many benefits, but they can get some bad things too. Bad things are that they lose their national currency (after joining Economic and Monetary union), their price level are growing, and things like that, but the best part of joining EU is that member states get many different benefits, for example, free movement of people, service, capital, goods, there are not different barriers of moving around the Europe. But these things are not as good as it is that EU can and gives money to member states to improve their regional policy. EU is made structural funds and cohesion funds to give member states money to improve and rebuilt their roads, environment and so on. Latvia each year gets some money too, and this money is put in some new projects by government and other important institutions.
Now I explain you what are structural and cohesion funds and what do they do, and I will make mention of some important projects which are made in Latvia.…

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