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ID number:196387
Published: 02.02.2008.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 3 units
References: Used

The main aspect of the nationalism is the argument that every society is unique. It is possible to examine for example several societies and conclude that every society has its own system of values, as for example, common territory, customs, laws, memories or the historical expierence, beliefs, language, religion, social institutions1, etc. Society, in this case, can be seen as a biological organism2. Although society must develop and cope with the reality. This means that society cannot disintegrate and live inside its own laws and values. However, these values will still be he generel values for all th members of this society. However, the societies may not only deffer by the values they examine, but they also may represent different nations3. These nations are governed by governments, in other words – nation-states.…

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