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ID number:300161
Published: 16.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Many people say that students do not benefit from dissecting and they could get just as much from the pictures and texts. Michelle Boggs, a science teacher at Central Crossing High School, says, by dissecting, students learn how much animals and humans have in common and how they differ internally. They also learn how organs are arranged and connected to one another (February 13,2004). After dissecting a frog twice, a crayfish, and a cat, I've learned that a lot of the animal's organs are located where human organs would be and they also look similar. Christina Blakie says dissecting is one of those things that you will understand when you are older and you don't really see how you benefit from it until you go to college and actually take classes in college that involve dissections (February 12,2004).
Dissection is a great learning tool and many students benefit from it.

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